~ Painted Upholstery in Chalk Paint® ~

Look at this adorable princess chair. I love the
I found two of these chairs
at an antique store for a great price. 
Unfortunately for me I sold the matching one to a customer.

I have painted several upholstery pieces 
with Chalk Paint® with great success...sooooo 

I purchased this dainty Victorian chair
with orange crushed velvet upholstery to see how a 
heavily textured upholstery would take the paint.

First I painted the wooden frame in Old White.
No sanding or priming needed...just started painting.

This is what the chair looked like with one coat 
of Old White on the wooden frame.
I added about 5% water to the paint for the second coat.
                                            This saves paint and creates a smooth second coat.

Next I started painting the velvet with color French Linen.

Here are the steps of painting fabric that I used:
1.  stir paint well and pour some paint in a bowl of some sort.
2.  spritz the paint with water...no need to measure water...just add some to the paint
3. spritz the fabric with water...dampen the fabric slightly
4. spritz your paint brush with water
5. paint on your first coat of paint...don't try to get full coverage

The velvet has a deep nap so the paint didn't 
cover the bright orange fabric 


6. apply second coat of paint...this time I used color Paris Grey as the French Linen
was too dark for me.
7. sand in between coats of paint if desired...if you sand vacuum the sanding dust
8.  apply a third coat of paint if needed to cover fabric.
9. apply Annie's Clear Wax with a wax brush to the painted fabric...
this will soften the painted fabric and give a pretty luster. Allow wax
to cure a few days before using.
 I applied Annie's Clear and Dark Waxes to the chair frame and 
distressed lightly letting the original stain to show through.

Renaissance Gilding Wax was applied to the details of the
                                                        painted frame and brass nail heads.

      I love this chair...it is in the shoppe as an example for painted fabric.
This picture doesn't do it justice.  It is such a pretty chair now the ugly orange velvet is gone.
I will bring this chair back to my home someday.
With three layers of paint and wax on the napped fabric, the fabric has cracked
giving it a vintage leather look...love this look and so do the customers!!!



  1. Hi Karla,
    I took your beginner class in December and loved it! I have big plans to paint my kitchen cabinets, a gate leg table, etc. Just was too busy over the holidays! I am reviewing my notes and plan to start soon. May even take another class! Really love these looks! Thanks, Cathy

  2. Looks good to me

    I have a velvet high boy settee I would love to paint , maybe this spring, I am to messy to paint inside

  3. How does the fabric feel now? Is it stiff or crispy?
